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Curro Holdings Ltd: Private College - Heuwelkruin

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Contact us

Tel no: 015 263 8903 | 066 185 3601

Email address: |

Physical address: 43 Homestead Road, Rivonia, Sandton

GPS coordinates: -26.04552, 28.05639

You can also contact Curro Heuwelkruin, the school with which we share a campus, to discover your child’s options after Grade 9.


Places nearby

Our campus is located in the countryside outside Polokwane. Situated on a hill, the 17-ha campus overlooks the veld and the Wolkberg mountains on the horizon. Our school is also easily accessible from the R71.


Curro schools near me

As part of the Curro school group, students enjoy preference when applying to us from any school in the group. Learners from Curro Heuwelkruin can easily progress to us after completing Grade 9.