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Curro Preschool

Welcome to Curro Academy Mbombela Preschool

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Curro Academy Mbombela has a preschool in Riverside, Mbombela, that provides high-quality early childhood development for children from 4 years to 5 years. Our classes are divided by age, and we carefully control the number of children per class to ensure that they are all cared for and entertained. Our internally developed preschool programme engages inherent curiosity and love of play, while supporting their well-being all-round.

Get an overview of everything we can offer you on our fact sheet.


Curro Academy Mbombela, Preschool in Riverside, Mbombela, Curro education, Curro School, Private school near me, preschool programme, preschool programme.


What your child can enjoy

Our children enjoy a programme that supports their physical, social, emotional and cognitive well-being. This approach to early childhood development is built around Early Learning and Development Areas (ELDAs), which focus on development areas rather than strict milestones. This means that children feel supported and encouraged instead of pressured to develop at someone else’s pace. Children spend the day playing and being creative while teachers and teacher’s assistants guide them through the activities to ensure that the ELDA areas are engaged.

The learning and development areas include the following:

  • Identity and belonging: personality, friendship, sharing
  • Physical well-being: balance, movement, safety
  • Communication: speech, listening, understanding
  • Creativity: playing, drawing, painting, dancing, imagination
  • Mathematics: shapes, size, time, counting
  • Learning about the world: exploring and understanding the world around them

Do you want to know more? Visit this page on our website to discover more about the ELDAs and how they work together to give children a high-quality preschool programme.


Curro Academy Mbombela, Preschool in Riverside, Mbombela, Curro education, Curro School, Private school near me, preschool programme, preschool programme.


As part of the Curro school group, learners from any school in the group enjoy preference when applying to us. Curro Nelspruit also has such a preschool and primary school near us.


We encourage loose-parts play

The development of curiosity and imagination in early childhood is vitally important to the development of problem-solving skills and critical thinking later on. Therefore, as part of our excellent preschool programme, we encourage playing with loose-parts and multi-purpose playthings rather than single-purpose toys that don’t involve much imagination. Through loose-parts play, our children learn to use their natural curiosity to explore previously undiscovered fascinations such as stacking, rolling, sliding, fitting, colours, and more.

Discover everything we offer on our fact sheet.


Curro Academy Mbombela, Preschool in Riverside, Mbombela, Curro education, Curro School, Private school near me, preschool programme, preschool programme.


How big are the classes?

Children need lots of attention and nurturing. That is why our classes are divided by age, and we carefully control the number of children to be no more than 25 per class. Our teachers also have one or more assistants, depending on the age group and number of children in the class. By having a limited number of children in class, our teachers can give each one the individual care and attention they need to flourish and feel loved.


Curro Academy Mbombela, Preschool in Riverside, Mbombela, Curro education, Curro School, Private school near me, preschool programme, preschool programme.


Our values

Our preschool is built on a balance of values that allow learners to learn and grow into the best versions of themselves. We believe that a good education is the basis on which learners can grow to become strong leaders and responsible citizens who will make a positive change in their communities.

Our value system is based on four pillars:

  • Child-friendliness
  • Positive discipline
  • Christian values (ethics and morals)
  • Creative thinking

We consider these values to be practical extensions of early childhood development. Teachers model these values and children follow suit. This is just one of the ways in which we develop the well-being of the whole child.


Activities your child can enjoy

Our daily programme is packed with a variety of physical and cognitive activities where children play while they learn. We also offer additional, optional extramural activities as additional opportunities to strengthen focused areas or hone certain skills. Our extramural activities are offered by external tutors or coaches at an additional cost and take place on the school’s premises.

As a preschool in Riverside, Mbombela, our extramural activities are tailored to the interests of you and your family. This ensures that your child can grow and excel in areas that they truly enjoy. Your child is sure to find something that will pique their interest.

See which activities we offer on our fact sheet.


Curro Academy Mbombela, Preschool in Riverside, Mbombela, Curro education, Curro School, Private school near me, preschool programme, preschool programme.

Quick Facts




From 4 years to 5 years

Class size

Max 25 children

Monthly fees

R3 080 – R3 820

Half-day times

07:30 – 13:45

Full-day times

07:30 – 17:30

Early drop-off time


Meals included

Open during school holidays