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Curro Hermanus SRC of 2022

We would like to congratulate the new SRC of 2022. We have a special message from our head boy and head girl. We wish the team all the best for 2022 and we look forward to following your leadership.

Ra'ees De Witt - Head boy
Drawing closer to the threshold of 2022, I am passionately looking forward to working with the SRC to achieve our team goals & to be of service to the school. An action plan that emphasises improved intersectionality, integrated with inclusivity, is what I believe will complement the goal-orientated & progressive nature of our prefect group. During my tenure, I am keen on seeking collaborative projects where the impact of student leadership is not only restricted to our school’s SRC group but embraces more active involvement within Curro Hermanus & the greater community. I am confident that with the energy the grade 11s are bringing into matric, the opportunity for every learner at the school to be recognised in their respective uniqueness & vulnerabilities will ultimately allow for the fostering of an environment where we each feel supported and welcomed. The matrics of 2022 are certainly a force to be reckoned with – watch this space!

Vaishali Dhoolab - Head Girl
Empathy for each other and a kind hearted approach are the building blocks for human connection. It is this human connection that has and will continue to allow the learners of Curro Hermanus to thrive. I look forward to what we as a community are going to achieve in the near future.

#IEB #Learners2Leaders #currohermanusfamily #currolions